Commonly used consumables for through ironer

Felt: felt is the necessary consumable for automatic flatwork ironer.

It must be emphasized here that the loss process of felt cannot be calculated. 
The steam pressure in each factory is different, the steam temperature is different, the steam quality is different, the quality of the linen type is different, and the water content of the linen is different. These will affect the consumption of felt. 

When ironing, minimizing the interval between linens can effectively extend the life of the felt. In other words, the felt can be used longer when ironing is kept within 10 cm of each linen.

Wax: Special waxes are used for slotting. Generally, the trough iron needs to pass through the trough body with wax cloth with wax for 3 or 4 hours.(click pictures to view our website)

Guiding belt / Guide tape: There is no special requirement for the grooved hot guiding tape. Of course, the thinner the guiding tape is, the more obvious the iron marks are, but the too thin guiding tape is easy to break. It is also a headache. Where attention is paid, this will not be the case for flat butt joints. (click pictures to view our website)

Trap: Trap is a very important part of slot ironing, which affects the ironing effect and efficiency of the entire machine. If your trough iron works normally and efficiently in the early stage, it will get worse and worse in the later stage, it must be directly related to the trap.

It is best to check regularly.



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